It all started the a few weeks ago when I went to get the mail and Allison saw that one of my letters from tenant of mine had a Sleeping Beauty postage stamp on it! She automatically thought that because there was a princess on the envelope that it was for her! When I told her that it was mommy's she got so sad! So I put out a little note on
facebook that Allison wanted some letters of her own. Here is what Allison got:

Allison first received some letters from her Aunt Cyndi and cousins...

This was a letter from her cousin
Karyssa! Allison was so excited about all the stickers on the envelope!

From her cousin Bryan!

Aunt Cyndi sent Allison a picture/letter. Allison loved the picture! She would not let anyone else look at it for days! She also had some stickers in the envelope that she has already put to great use!

From Grandma/Grandpa Ellsworth

From Grandma/Grandpa Kelley

Grandma and Grandpa Kelley sent Allison a Barbie color/sticker book! I got some really great video clips of her opening the present and saying "is that for me???"

Allison attempting to open the envelope from G/G Ellsworth

Daddy ended up having to help Allison!

Grandma and Grandpa Ellsworth gave Allison a Wonder Pets color/sticker book!
I guess Grandparents think a lot a like or just really know that Allison loves to color and loves to play with stickers! I have been picking up stickers for weeks! I find little stickers on the bottom of Kyle's shoes all the time! It's really cute!
Allison also received a package from my cousin Katie and her family that had a bunch of Valentines day candies!!! Allison loved the candies and heart pictures! Her cousin Jonas also sent her an envelope with a super cute letter in it and a beautiful butterfly picture!
Thank you everyone for all those who sent letters/packages! You really made Allison's day! I have posted a few video clips of Allison! They are off to the left of the page under "Allison Video's" feel free to take a look! I have a few more that I'm trying to get uploaded but for some reason they are not wanting to work with me! They are all up on YouTube under h2kelley!
Awww! I wish I'd see that. I want to send her a letter. :)
Allison you are to cute! I love you!
Grandma Ellsworth
Grandpa is coming to your house this weekend.
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