Thursday, February 5, 2009

Good Bye Verizon... Hello T-Mobile

Felt like updating a bit... I have finally made my way over to T-Mobile. I have been with Verizon since I was 17. Kyle switched over to Verizon (he was originally with T-mobile) when we got married so we could be on the same service but switched back to T-Mobile when he got his job with Century 21 Bushnell and gave up his 909 number and all... he has been with T-Mobile and an 801 number for the past 3 years and has nothing but good things to say about his experience with T-Mobile. I stayed with Verizon since my phone is a business phone and is paid by the business (my dad) and they are all on Verizon. They have finally given into what Kyle has been saying and have all pretty much made their way over to T-Mobile besides one. I still haven't given up my 909 number and don't know if I ever will.. I guess it's my only way of holding onto California. Now I just need to pick my favorite 5...

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