Happy Valentines Day!
Valentines day at the Kelley home is very relaxed. Kyle and I have come to the conclusion that we love each other everyday and so we don't need one day to celebrate our love so we really don't do anything different or special for Valentines day. The day was pretty much just Allison and I at home doing fun activities while Daddy was out showing clients some homes!
Later that night we had a small family dinner. After dinner my cousin Nick came over to hang out and we just watched the NBA all star dunk thing and ate our cupcakes! It was a very fun and relaxing day!
I am very grateful and very blessed to have Kyle as my husband and father to my children! I love him with all my heart and am so excited that I get to spend eternity with him! I don't need one day to celebrate our love. We celebrate our love everyday by just doing the little things to show each other that we care for one another and love each other. I love you Kyle Kelley!
Happy Valentines Day!