Okay I'm looking for your opinion's here...
I'm starting to think it's time to start potty training with Abbigail.. here's a few reason's why:
1. She loves wearing Allison's underwear.. She will find Allison's underwear in her drawer or in the clean clothes on the couch and put them on.
2. Ever since she turned 1 she likes to sit on the toilet and "try" to go on the toilet and she also likes to wipe herself.. She's gone a few times on the toilet
3. She's now to the point where she's starting to take off her own diaper after she's wet... Thank goodness she hasn't done it with the other...
So what do you think? She'll be 2 in May... Do you think she's ready or do you think it's still a little to early..
December 2022 Misc Pics
2 years ago
I say go for it! Sounds like she is ready. I bought the e-book "3-day potty training" and she says any kid can be potty trained at the age of 22 months or later. So, Abbigail hits her mark! You should check out the book. We had Weston trained in a day and a half using her book. I know Chris and Becca used it for McKenna too because Becca recommended it to me. Good luck!!!
If you didn't have a baby due in the end of April I would tell you to totally go for it. If you train her right now, I think she would probably be trainable, but she would probably have a bunch of accidents after the baby is born. There is a book about potty training in less than a day, and I think that is a pretty good system. Let's talk more in person.
I'd say wait. Even if you did get her potty trained quickly, she would probably have some setbacks when the new baby comes (which you won't want to have to deal with when you have a newborn). Wait until your baby is a few months old, then re-look at the whole potty training thing.
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