I never thought the day was ever going to come! The doctor kept telling me that she could come at anytime but I guess she just
wasn't ready to come. I went in for my doctors appointment right before my due date May 11
th and he said that the due date might have been wrong and that it might actually be May 19
th... I was so upset that day! All I have been wanting is for her to come! I was given the option to
induce but after Kyle and I talked about it we decided to let her come when she felt like coming... Well May 11
th came and went and she was still not here. I then woke up on the morning of May 12 and something just felt different. All of a sudden around 9:30
ish I started to have contractions every 3 to 5 minutes apart. Kyle wanted me to wait it out so we
wouldn't be sitting in the hospital all day waiting. Around 4:30
ish Kyle decided that we should go take a walk around the block to make the contractions come. As we were walking we were timing the contractions and they were still 3 minutes apart so we called the doctors and they said to have me check into the hospital so we got all packed up and left for the hospital. Of course Kyle wanted to delay a little longer so it would give my contractions a little more time to progress. We got to the hospital around 5:30
ish and checked in. They hooked me up checked me and I was currently at 3 cm. The nurse said that they would give me an hour and if nothing happened I was going to be sent home. I did not like that idea so about an hour later they checked me again and I was now at 5 cm. The nurse then
reassured to Kyle and I that we were in fact having our baby! They came back an hour later and I was now 7 cm. At this point I was hooked up to the epidural and was sitting pretty. My family came by to visit before taking Eric my brother to his last dinner before entering the
MTC in the morning. They ended up leaving after visiting for about 20 minutes and the nurse came in and said that if I wanted my family to stick around the baby would be here within 30 minutes. They had the on call doctor come in since my doctor was in Salt Lake and could not make it in time. After 3 pushes
Abbigail Ann was here!
7 lbs. 14 oz. 20 inches
May 12, 2009 at 8:25 PM

Family picture just minutes after
Abbigail was born!

Grandpa Ellsworth,
Abbigail and Allison May 13, 2009

Grandma Ellsworth and
Abbigail just minutes after being born

Mommy and Baby minutes after she was born
Abbigail Ann Kelley sucking her thumb!
Abbigail in the nursery

Travis Raymond and
Abbigail May 12

Grandma Kelley and
Abbigail May 12

Kelley Family picture May 13

Daddy and his girls May 13

Aunt Karly with
Abbigail May 13

Kyle, Heather and Allison playing Doctors!

Uncle Eric with
Abbigail May 13
th right before Eric entered the
MTC to serve a 2 year mission in Iceland.
Abbigail had perfect timing to meet her Uncle Eric.

Uncle Dale with
Abbigail May 13

Brandon Cruz with
Abbigail May 13
We checked out of the hospital Wednesday May 13
th around 3:00 pm. We had a huge welcome home party with everyone there to welcome
Abbigail Ann home!

Great Grandpa and Grandma
Summerhays with
Abbigail at home May 13
th @ 3:30
Abbigail Ann Kelley May 14, 2009
What a doll!!! Congratulations you guys!! She is sure a cutie!! We are so happy for you! Heather, you look great!
congrats Heather!!! She is a sweetie and I love the pic of her sucking her thumb! We will be adding another great granddaughter to the family in 3 more months...I'm getting excited. Take care, I hope you have a quick recovery!
congratulations! She's beautiful! Looking forward to lots of fun blogs about your two lil gals when you have a chance =)
I am so sorry I have not made it down! I had to drive to GreenRiver, WY Saturday and got home late yesterday! I cannot WAIT to see her! Thank you for keeping me updated with pics! Give me a call and let me know when you are home one night this week and I will try and come down! Love ya!
this is very exciting.... it's so crazy how life is. i just think back to not that many years ago when we were going to the manor dances and now look! - i'm really happy and excited for you!
Congrats she is beautiful just like her mom you look so good for just having a baby!
Love that Abbigail Ann. She is beautiful. I miss her so much. Love ya.
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