This past weekend was a blast!
Ever so often we are able to just get away and have fun... so this past weekend we went down to St. George to visit my grandparents and meet up with my folks... It was nice to meet up with them because we were able to get into the warmer weather and just relax... Well kind of... We left Friday and pretty much traveled all day... Saturday we got up early well some of us (not me) and got dressed to go four wheeling. We ended up four wheeling all day long then coming home to dinner and a house full of family...
Next day woke up sore from head to toe... got dressed for church and went to sacrament meeting came home to prepare for our drive through Zions! We drove through Zions and wow it's really not worth the $25.00 you pay to get in... I know we didn't really go at the best time of year... ALL of the trails were closed... the dumb thing you walk half a mile of a mile long trail and then it tells you that the trail ahead is closed... Why don't they just put the sign at the beginning so that way you don't waste your time and get your hopes up... Just a thought!
We ended our weekend by getting our new car... (you can read Goodbye Car) if you don't know what I'm talking about... We ended up getting a black Toyota Sequoia! i'm pretty excited about it.. I know that it's not Kyles Ford that he's dying for but I know that secretly he's excited about it!
Well for being gone for a few days work really piles up on you! I got back and ended up have 18 voicemails waiting for me plus emails! Well I got back to 16 of those calls and pretty much all the emails as well... The few that I didn't get back to I just really did not want to talk to those people... Then Kyle tells me that I have a meeting with the insurance adjuster and not to let him push me around! Well I go to meet him at 9 this morning and doesnt end up showing until like 9:58 then he goes in and takes a look at the problem ( if you don't know basically a property of ours the basement flooded out due to a pipe bursting due to the tenants stupidity) so anyway went to the meeting and stood around walking in circles while he took his measurements and asking me dumb questions... later that day i started to get texts from someone we will call Gary for now... well that text ended up starting a family problems AGAIN!
Later that evening I was able to meet up with my activity girls! We just ended up sitting around talking painting nails and eatting cookies... I really enjoy hanging out with the girls.. it's just so sad I found out we lost one of the girls to the Young Women's Program... Sad but excited for her!
So that way my weekend and day! Enjoy!
December 2022 Misc Pics
2 years ago
Hey Heather - I was so excited to see that you've entered the blogging world! Allison is getting so big! What a cutie!
It's fun to be able to keep in touch with you guys in a way other than XBOX. You may already know this, but we have a blog, too at
We hope you guys are doing great, and I'm sure we'll "see you" on XBOX soon!
Kyle I have a post on my blog for you it should make you famous!
Are you sure one of you girls wasn't "eatting" the dictionary?
how fun! i didnt know you did achievement days! i am in the young womens with the mia miads and i love it! the girls keep me young :)
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