Merry Christmas... Since there's a ton of pictures I'll keep the writing to a minimum... Hope you enjoy...

SANTA CAME!!!! This is the living room prior to the girls getting up.

Kyle and I woke the girls up around 8 AM...

Abbigail with her Santa gift and her stocking... She loved all the CANDY!!!!

Allison with the bike Santa brought her...

This year with us being out home we did a ton of Skyping... The reason why we were up by 8 am was to prepare for my brother's call. He is currently serving an LDS mission in Iceland and his favorite person to talk to is Allison... So he made sure to give her a call... It was really good seeing him and talking with him for a little bit.. He comes home sometime in May or June this year! (can't wait)

After talking with my brother we Skyped with Kyle's parents and opened up all our gifts in front of them. Here's Kyle opening up one of his gifts from his parents.

After opening gifts with Grandma and Grandpa Kelley we called up Grandma and Grandpa Ellsworth and opened all our gifts in front of them. After we opened up all the gifts with them we Skyped with my Ahma (Grandma) and Aunt Joy and opened up the gifts they got us as well. So as you can tell we did a TON of Skyping which made opening gifts a long processes but it was fun being able to share the time with all of our family members. Thank you everyone for all the fun gifts..

After all the Skyping was done we had the girls open the gifts Kyle and I got the girls... Abbigail opening her baby doll

Allison opening her gift

Even though he's not born yet we made sure not to forget baby boy Kelley... had his own stocking with socks, a few onesies and mittens... (just starting to get a few things as we are not prepared for little boys around this house) Kyle sporting his son's BYU onesie.

Allison with all her presents from Christmas... If you can't tell Grandma's and Grandpa's on both sides really do spoil these girls...

Abbigail with all her new toys... Again she got spoiled with tons of gifts...

Christmas Dinner... Overall we had a wonderful Christmas this year and hope you did too.. Thank you for all the fun gifts!
Merry Christmas!
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