July 16-18 our family went camping our friends Mitch and Jessica
Hiatt up at Currant Creek. Our adventures started on July 15
th as our family headed out late that evening to make our way up to Currant Creek... We should have known we were in trouble as soon as we found out we left the directions in the printer tray.. So we used Google Maps and it gave us directions up to Currant Creek using some back dirt roads.. As we got onto the dirt roads everything was fine... nothing to out of the ordinary... then the road became very rocky and bumpy... after we got through he rocks and bumps we ran into a steep hill... went up the hill then this is when the trip went south... as we were driving on the road it quickly turned from a dirt road to a road were only dirt bikes or
ATV's would use... (keep in mind were driving our beast of a truck with a boat trailer on back...) I finally told Kyle enough is enough and around 12:30 we decided to call it quits and turn around... One problem.. there was a huge rock in our way and we couldn't get the trailer pass it without hitting.. so Kyle unhooked the trailer as I'm holding it he turns the truck around and Kyle and I had to turn the trailer around on the super small road with a hill going up and a hill going down on the other side... we finally got the boat turned around after 20 to 30 minutes or so... We hooked the boat back on and headed our way back to the steep hill.. Kyle didn't feel comfortable as our breaks were starting to wear out so we got out of the car and started looking around to find another way... there was no other way... so I stayed out of the car holding a flash light and guided Kyle down the mountain.. We finally got back to the main road about 1:00 AM and searched for another way to Currant Creek... we did end up finding the main road to Currant Creek. We got to the campsite at around 3:30 AM and decided to just sleep in the car until light... Well around 6 or 7 in the morning Kyle and I had enough of "sleeping" so we got up and put together our campsite... After we got the campsite set up we had breakfast then took a nap then had lunch and went out on the boat to do some "catching" (thanks Josh)... As we were out successfully "catching" Mitch and Jessica arrived and set up their camp... Here are some pictures of our trip...
Kyle with his Catch

Me and my Catch (sorry about the hair)

Our campsite had a playground for the girls they loved it...

Allison on the house
Abbigail and Allison playing

Allison looking at the great playground

Best friends playing in the dirt


Allison with her catch

Kyle and Mitch with their catch

Kyle with his catch
Allison with her Catch
Abbigail sound asleep

Mitch with his catch

Kyle with his catch

The morning we were packing up to leave we woke up to find Allison's face all swollen.. We packed up in record timing and headed out to stop in
Heber city to get Allison some medications to get the swelling down... Poor girl...

All together it was a fun trip with a few scary moments... Sorry Jessica I didn't have a picture with your catch of the trip...