Friday May 23 was Allison's 2nd Birthday! Here are some pictures of the day!
Allison talking to Grandma and Grandpa Ellsworth on a web cam so they could see the Birthday girl!
Allison's Tinkerbell pajamas that Grandma and Grandpa Ellsworth got Allison for her birthday! Allison with her bubble blowing Elmo that Grandma and Grandpa Kelley got her! She LOVES ELMO!
Allison opening her Birthday gifts! This is from Grandma and Grandpa Ellsworth.. Lots of clothes and a doll!
Princess Tea Set from Eric and Kaitlin Reed! She Loves the tea set! She had a tea party this morning!
December 2022 Misc Pics
2 years ago
I knew her birthday was coming up I can't belive she is two! Looks like she had a fun party happy birthday Allison!
Where did you guys get that red plate from? It is awesome.
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