Monday, May 2, 2011


This is just a test..

So I was having some issues with blogger and not being able to post my blog posts so Kyle fixed a few things and used this as the "test" post... I was suppose to delete it but forgot and this posting has probably gotten more comments on it than anything else I've done.. haha


kme1981 said...

...of the emergency broadcast system :)How are you doing these days? So excited not to be pregnant anymore!?!?! I have a little gift for baby Troy. Let me know when is a good time to bring it over. Maybe we could do a park play date when it warms up a little more???

Anonymous said...

"This is a test of the emergency alert system (beep beep beep)...if this had been an actual emergency you would have been instructed...."

haha That is what your test blog post made me think of :D

Alicia said...

Of the emergency broadcast system? :)

Candice McWhorter said...

lady...I'm SO gonna miss ya :) We'll have to hang still

Elizabeth J. said...

I was at the park too, but...
I let Meg skip some holes.
Meg playd with an extra golfball.
It's Summer.
Love, Eliz.

(aka Megan)