Sunday morning at 4 Am I woke up with contractions. Around 6 Am I woke Kyle up letting him know that I was having contractions and I needed him to start timing them. After about 20 minutes of timing them we found out that they were every 3 to 5 minutes apart so we got up and
texted some friends to see who could come over and watch the girls while we went to the hospital. Our friends Mark and
Kjerstie were the first to respond and they were at the house by 7sh. Kyle and I took off to the hospital sometime around 7:30 Am and ended up checking into the hospital. They hooked me up to all the monitors and found out that I was in fact in Labor but was only dilated 3 cm. After an hour no progress so they got me up to walk the halls for about an hour. After an hour of walking the halls I only dilated 1 cm so they ended up telling me to go home and walk up and down my stairs.. I WAS NOT HAPPY!!! I didn't want to be one of those girls that jumped the gun and ended up getting released due to false labor.. good thing was I was actually in labor but just wasn't dilating as quickly as they wanted. So we ended up going home around 11 Am. I was so tired of walking the halls at the hospital that I came home sat down on the couch and passed out for about two hours. Then woke up and decided it was time to walk the stairs. After I had taken all the boxes of girl clothes down to the basement and brought the baby bassinet up to our bedroom and other little baby things upstairs I decided it was time to sit down. After a few hours of walking and sitting around 6 PM I decided that the contractions were just getting to the point where I couldn't bear it.. So Kyle and I packed everything back up and headed back to the hospital. We got back to the hospital around 6:30. It was really funny going back because the front desk lady as well as the nurses from the morning/day shift were just leaving and they all made sure to come say hello. The only one that was still on from that morning was the on call doctor and she made sure to come in and stay with me. They took me to my room checked my dilation to see that I was now at 6 cm so they decided it was time to get me my epidural. The anesthesiologist came right in and hooked me up. After I got hooked up they waited 15 minutes and decided that it was time to break my water since they had just called my doctor to come for the delivery. They popped my water at 7:15 and baby Kelley entered the world at 7:35 PM on Sunday April 10, 2011. The labor portion on this pregnancy was a lot worse considering I had to do a majority of it at home but the delivery was probably the fastest and easiest I've ever had. It wasn't until Monday evening that Kyle and I finally picked the perfect name for our little boy. TROY ALLAN KELLEY!!!
Me right before going to the hospital in the morning...

Our room for Labor and Delivery

Troy Allan Kelley 7:35 Pm April 10, 2011 8lbs 2oz 20inches

Mommy and Troy

The girls meeting their baby brother for the first time

The girls with Troy

Our family

Allison and
Abbigail giving baby Troy a hug

Me and Jessica

Abbigail and
My cousin Nick and Troy

Troy, Nick and Allison


Allison, Troy and Daddy going down to the nursery

Kyle and Troy in the nursery
Abbigail and Allison waiting outside of the nursery with everyone

Troy getting his hair washed

It's a boy

The girls looking in on Troy

Allison watching her baby brother

Troy in the nursery

Daddy and Son

Troy and Kyle

Grandma Kelley meeting baby Troy

The girls watching the nurse with Troy
Abbigail trying to help give the nurse a blanket for Troy

Troy and I ended up coming home from the hospital on Tuesday afternoon around 12. It's great to be home with our little boy!
1 comment:
yay! we're so glad he's here!!! good job mama!
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