Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The many sides of Abbigail Ann

On Tuesday Abbigail went in for her 9 month check up with the Doctor. He said that she looks as cute as a button. She's a little over 16 lbs and is in the 14% of the girls her age. She's right around 27 inches long and is in the 18% and her head circumference was in the 37%. She has a little infection that will clear itself up in a few days. They checked her iron levels and those were fine. All in all she's very healthy and happy he says!

Here's a little more about Abbigail. She's a Mommy's GIRL... She is usually always happy as long as mom is around otherwise WATCH OUT!!! She LOVES to cuddle. She loves to suck her thumb's and will not take a Binky or bottle. She learned how to roll over when she was about 3 to 4 months. At about 5 to 6 months she was sitting up on her own and on her 7th month birthday she crawled to her sister Allison. At 8 months she learned how to stand up with no help as well as she learned how to crawl up the stairs. And now at 9 months she's EVERYWHERE!!! There is no where that this child can't go! She eats absolutely everything insight! She prefers finger foods so that she can feed herself. AND she HATES getting dressed!

I Love this little girls facial expressions, noises and her little attitude! She's just another little pistol around the Kelley household. She's a baby who knows what she wants and when she wants it and will not stop until she gets it! We sure do love our little Abbigail. She keeps Kyle and I on our toes!


Cecily said...

Soooooooooo CUTE!

Debra said...

So cute..........!

ok said...

I can't tell if I think Abbigail looks totally like Allison, or not at all! What have you guys decided??? (Also, you should update your blog roll - my blog isn't private anymore and I update a ton... I'd hate for you to miss some of my fun stuff like cake giveaways!)