Alright I think it's about time to come clean on what has REALLY been happening with the Kelley Klan for the past few months...
Well here it is...
My due date is said to be somewhere around May 11th
We found out early September that we were expecting but didn't really want to say anything until (well I didn't want to say anything until we found out the sex of the baby) later and just wanted to keep it a surprise! Well it would have stayed a surprise but on September 22nd Dale (my brother) and I went to the store to pick up some paint for a work project and I all of a sudden felt as if my water had broke. Well Dale and I went home so I could change and we could call Kyle to see what to do next! When I got home and went to change I found that I had been bleeding! I called Kyle to let him know what was happening and he rushed home to call the doctor. When we got in touch with the doctor he had us come in for an emergency check! He asked me if I was having any tummy pains and so on and pretty much said that it's normal for some women to have slight bleeding but not a lot of bleeding. He ordered that I be on couch rest for the next few weeks until they could get all my tests back and the bleeding stop. Just to be sure the doctor ordered me to have blood work taken as well as have an ultrasound done to make sure everything was okay. The next day we went to Utah Valley Hospital to have the first part of the my blood work done and the ultrasound....
Well Kyle, Allison and I were all there for the ultrasound. We explained to the lady doing the ultrasound that I was pregnant and somewhere around 5 weeks along in my pregnancy and that I was having some bleeding issues. So she started doing the ultrasound and was just doing the usual measurements and all of a sudden she stops gets on the phone calls for another person to come in and help her. The next thing I know Kyle starts laughing and starts asking her questions. I have no clue to what they are seeing or what is going on... so she turns the screen over towards me so I could see what they were seeing. The next thing she says is YOUR HAVING TWINS! I'm in complete shock! Kyle was so excited and Allison was just tired of being there! The other person was called in because she wanted to print pictures of the two babies so we could have pictures of our twins! After the ultrasound was finished Kyle and I both called up our parents to let them in on our big news!
The doctors visit:
The next day we had to go in to see our doctor so he could talk to us about what they had found with the ultrasound. Well of course he noticed that we were having twins but that didn't explain why I was bleeding. He said that they found a hemorrhage and that I had to be sure to keep it easy for the next while until they see improvement. He also sat down with us and talked about the dangers on having twins!
When I was pregnant with Allison I had no problems I had a little morning sickness during my first trimester but it went away and I was as healthy as could be... With this pregnancy as soon as I found out I was pregnant the morning sickness came and STAYED! The problem this time around was I couldn't eat and if I did I couldn't keep it down. Within the first week or so of being pregnant I lost around 8 to 10 lbs and just could not keep anything down. I have no energy to do anything. I can't even pick Allison up! Kyle was left to take care of everything... His job, my job, care for Allison, cook, clean, etc... By the second week of this it was just starting to take it's tole on Kyle and I wasn't doing any better so we called his mom and my mom to come help. Debbie (Kyle's mom) came and stayed with us for about a week an a half to help with around the house and having some homemade meals! After she left my mom came to help for the next week and she made sure that I ate and started to move around a bit more. It was so nice to have our mom's here to help! Thanks for coming and helping! I know Allison loved having her grandmas here to spoil her and spend every moment with them!
Well the day after my mom left October 23 I went in for my actual first pregnancy check up and it was an interested visit to say the least. Since I had been in so many time within the past few months and had a bunch of blood work already taken which they usually do on the first check they kind of didn't know what to do with me. They had me fill out the usual paperwork when your first pregnant and then the doctor did the ultrasound so we could see the babies... Well when he did the ultrasound he could only find one baby... this made me really nervous... so we scheduled to go in to the hospital to get another ultrasound and found out that we now only have one baby. The doctor says that we had what is called the Vanishing Twin Syndrome. Where one twin gets reabsorbed into the mother's body due to unknown reasons. This really hit Kyle and I hard. We were so excited that we were having twins. Kyle I think was just happy that we still had one considering my weight issues. The doctor said that when I go back in four weeks and if I don't make any progress in gaining weight I will have to be put on an IV so that we don't have problems keeping this little one... We found out on October 24th that we were no longer having twins... but the one little baby that we do have is strong and healthy as of now! We are just blessed to know that we are still having one!
It's now November 6th and the weight struggle is still a constant issue! I have been doing a lot better with my eating but just cant seem to gain any weight! I have my next doctors appointment on November 18th and we will see what he says...
So there you go that's what has REALLY been happening with the Kelley Klan over the past few months!
December 2022 Misc Pics
2 years ago
O. My. Gosh. !! I can't believe this post! Congratulations on the pregnancy. That is so awesome! I was hoping when I started reading that that would be the case as I scrolled down! Sorry about the problems thus far. We'll keep you in our prayers. Keep off your feet as much as possible - everything can wait! Congrats again!
Wow! that is a story and a lot of issues to boot. I hope all goes well, as you continue to go through your pregnancy, our prayers are with you.
Be a good girl, eat well, and take it easy as you can. Keep us posted. We love you all.
Uncle Kenny & Aunt Val
Wow, what a rollarcoaster! I am so excited for you guys...and I hope that things get better soon!!! Feeling miserable during pregnancy is the WORST!!!
Can't wait to find out if Allison is going to have a brother or sister! Keep us posted.
congratulations! having 2 is completely different than having only 1.
sorry about the baby. i've never heard of vanishing baby syndrome. does it happen very often?
p.s. this family keeps way too many secrets.
Sorry that we keep secrets but with everything being so fragile we didn't want to tell everyone and then go back and tell everyone that we lost the babies and such so we have been keeping very hush, hush. If people asked we would just tell them that I was sick with the flu or something.
I read up on the Vanishing Twin Syndrome when we first heard that we could have lost one and were just waiting on the second ultrasound to confirm everything. They say that it's most commonly seen in women who are on fertilization treatments. They say that it could be common in lots of women but because you don't usually go see a doctor until your 10-12 weeks along the vanishing twin would already be gone.
This whole thing has been very emotionally draining! When I first heard that we were having twins I was in denial for a few days! After I got past that I was so excited and couldn’t wait until they were here that I was already planning their nursery! Another fun thing was that they were identical twins! After we found out that one vanished I was so torn with many different emotions. I was happy that we still had the one but so overwhelmed with the fact that we were no longer going to be having the other that it was hard to be excited about anything.
I know that everything happens for a reason!
Congrats! Good Luck with your pregnancy. I hope everything goes well for you. You'll be in my prayers.
I just had a molar pregnancy back in June. I have to wait a year before I get pregnant. So, I somewhat know some of the emotions you are going through. But, you're right -everything happens for a reason.
I tried to congratulate Kyle from the concert, but he hung up on me.
Yes on 8!
p.s. shiatic(maybe they should start censoring this things)
Way to come clean, Heather. It was the right thing to do.
Congratulations on the pregnancy! I am sorry you had to go though what you did. I know I cannot imagine what it must have been like. I live close and I'd be willing to help you out if you ever need anything! I know it's not like you to ask for help but just know that the offer is there. Hope all continues to go well. I can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl!
Congrats on the pregnancy!! Sorry to hear about all the problems you have gone through..keep us updated!!
Oh my goodness.
What an emotional roller coaster.
That's quite the story.
Hope all goes well now.
The merry month of May will be here before you know it, and you'll have another beautiful blue eyed baby!
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