Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Once again...

Here we go again... Here's a fast update of pretty much just pictures starting with Halloween and going backwards (sorry I didn't want to move the pictures around)...Troy's first halloween he dressed up as a teddy bear and stayed in the entire night because the poor boy was SICK!Allison in her school parade of costumes
Allison dressed up as Strawberry Shortcake this year
Us carving pumpkins with my mom, dad, Eric and Nick...
Abbigail dressed up as Rapunzel
My parents came up the weekend of Halloween and we had tons of fun. We went on the Heber Creeper and did the haunted train which was interesting to say the least but fun to spend time together. The following day we set out for the perfect pumpkins.
Us waiting to board the Heber train.
Allison at her dance class. The week before Halloween the kids were able to dress up.
Kyle's parents came up in October and spent a week or so with us and had tons of fun. We went to Cornbelly's for the first time and had a blast!
As at the end of the fun filled night...
Kyle and Allison climbed the wall...
The girls all went jumping on the big balloons...
Allison and I both had some fun on the bull... I did pretty darn good!!!
Kyle and the girls went on the bikes
The girls (Allison, Abbigail, Myself, Debbie) and Troy went on a little ride..
Me sitting in my cow
Debbie helping Abbigail with the duck races
The girls playing
Me helping Abbigail put on her jacket (IT WAS COLD!!!)
The girls on the horse
The girls dressed up
Allison dressed up
Mike made sure to keep Troy nice and warm.
Witches Night out. Kelsey, Meleah, Sandy, Krista, Myself and Allison (Ellsworth cousins)
Witches Night out Kristie, Myself, Allison, Sonya (Bishop cousin)
Witches Night out with the Ellsworth Clan
Some of the few crazy witches we found
Allison with the witch and her toad.
Allison and I at Witches Night Out
Allison's field trip to the pumpkin patch and maze
Allison with her 2nd pumpkin pick (she ended up with her third choice)
Allison playing
My group of kids in the maze
Allison's Kindergarden class
Allison on the bus
At the lake with Mike and Debbie
Debbie playing with the kids
Abbie giving Grandma Kelley a flower
Me with my shot
Allison did a cheer clinic and LOVED IT!!!
She cheered at Provo High football game
Troy relaxing
Troy crawling
Allison at her dance class
Abbigail at the Little Gym
Little gym
Troy attempting to crawl
Abbigail on the boat
Allison on the boat
Abbigail being herself
Allison getting out on her first day of school
Allison on her first day of kindergarden
Allison possing with Mrs. Werner's sign
Troy, Kyle and Allison walking to school
Just had to post this cute little girl having some fun.
Allison's first day of kindergarden
Troy's first solid food
Kyle spent many a day out on the lake (taking the boys leaving on missions out one last time before they report, youth activity, taking a good friend wakeboarding for the first time)
Kyle got out to do a LITTLE bit of fishing with his cousin Clayton (sorry Clayton all the pictures we had of you were you trying to kiss or eat the fish and I didn't think you wanted me to post that... haha)
Bridal Veil Falls with the Marshall's (Loren in the background)
Hope you enjoyed this little update... More to come with November, December....

1 comment:

Krista said...

Glad to know you guys are having fun! Miss you!