This past Easter we were able to have my mom here to celebrate it with us. It was a lot of fun having her here and helping with Troy and the girls as well as everything else!
Allison with her eggs.

Easter morning Allison woke up so excited to go find all the eggs and her basket. She was a great big sister and helped Abbigail and Troy find their baskets. Allison finding her basket. The Easter Bunny hides her basket in the same spot every year...

Troy and I with Troy's Easter basket

Abbigail finding her Easter basket

Troy's first Easter

Kyle helping the girls with their baskets.

Allison helping Abbigail find Easter eggs during their hunt.

Abbigail, Allison and Troy in their Easter best.

Abbigail with her Easter bunny

Abbigail wanted to color but ended up coloring all over herself instead of the paper.

Our Easter feast thanks to Kyle and my mom.
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