Sorry it's been so long since our last post its just been a little crazy around here! Just a little update:
Kyle is doing well just keeping super busy... Lately he's been working with a bunch of people wanting to take advantage of that $8000 they get from the Government to buy homes so he's been super busy showing people homes and what not. He's also been super busy with picking up new clients for rentals. So that's been keeping him out a lot lately trying to get places rented and cleaned up for renters. He's also been working on our new truck getting that up to tip top shape! As well as help me where ever I might be slacking! He's just superman and I love him to death! He's the best husband and friend I could have every asked for! He sure is a blessing to have in my life!
I have been busy with my BYU students coming back into town and doing check-ins and check-outs and so on with those. I have also been busy with my two beautiful little girls and our newest little buddy Zack! They keep me super busy! I would have to say I think I've been loosing the weight due to constantly lifting kids and walking back and forth between the three. But all is well and hopefully things will be slowing down this next month after all the students check-in and get settled!
Allison is as crazy as they come! She's three years old and is just way to smart for her own good! We have been having to teach her a lot about what's good and bad to say considering she will pick up whatever she hears! In September she will be starting up a dance class with her friend from Church and be attending every Monday! I'm super excited that she will be doing something good with all her energy! Other than that she talks ALL the time. Loves to read books! Loves Hannah Montana!!!! She's just a lot of fun to have around!!!
Abbigail is now 3 months old. She will be 4 months September 12.... Crazy how the time just flies! Abbigail is my drama queen! She is very temperamental! She's likes to have everything perfect if it's not she is sure to let you know! She is growing like a weed and has her cute little fat rolls and all! I love her! She is so much fun! She's starting to realize things around her! Just yesterday she was lying on the ground with some toys and I could hear her hitting them back and forth!!! It was so excited! Abbigail has a smile to die for! It's such a cute little smile! She's also starting to giggle but doesn't really do it that often yet! She is sleeping through the night and does really well with being held! She absolutely HATES her car seat and cry every time she has to be put in it! Poor girl! She LOVES her bimbo or whatever you call it and just loves to sit around and watch whats going on around her!
Well that's our update! I do have some pictures and I will post them as soon as I have a moment to get them off the camera! Hope everyone else is doing well and hope to hear from you guys!
December 2022 Misc Pics
2 years ago
Sounds like your household is busy, busy, busy! So, who is Zack?
Oh it sounds like you are having fun and BUSY! Miss ya!
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