When my Mom and Karly were in town they took us all to the discovery at the Gateway...

This was on the top floor where they had tons of magnets and other fun things for the kids to play with.

outside they had a helicopter for the kids to sit in and talk to the people in the tower

Also on the top floor they had the KSL TV station set up for everyone to sit down and read the teleprompter.. this was not easy!

This was Abbigails favorite part of the discovery.. she played with this for over half an hour... she loved it!

Allison working on the stamp art station...

Kyle in the make a story with music station

Allison and Abbigail in the little kids section..

Allison and Abbigail playing together

Kyle in the kiddie section playing with the girls...

Abbigail in the kiddie section playing with the boat in the "pond"

Allison riding the horse

Abbigail had a blast being pushed around in the car...

The girls playing in the water station...

Allison pumping some water into the water station

Abbigail, Kyle and Karly in the tubes station...

Allison had tons of fun...
Karly and my Mom
Kyle helping Abbigail