Disney on Ice... I won tickets to Disney on Ice thanks to my friend Jessica!
Allison, Kyle and Abbigail at Disney on Ice here in Salt Lake
After hours of waiting in line to have Cinderella just take a picture and send Allison on her way was not going to fly...
Allison with The Little Mermaid... She was Allison's favorite because she was the nicest of all the princesses... Allison was very disappointed that Sleeping Beauty was not there that day... But Aerial made her happy..
Abbigail on the Tea Cups... Kyle said that this was probably Abbigail's favorite ride...
Grandma Kelley and Allison on the Tea Cups...
Grandma Kelley, Abbigail and Allison in front of the Dumbo ride...
Grandma Kelley and Allison on the Dumbo ride... Kyle said this was Allison's favorite ride of the day...
Kyle with the girls on the carousel... Allison loved it Abbigail not so much...
Kyle and his girls waiting in line....
Kyle and Abbigail waiting in line....
Kyle, Abbigail and Allison in front of the Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse statue.
Allison and Abbigail standing next to the letter "A" and California Disney...
Abbigail at Grandma and Grandpa Ellsworth's waiting to go to Disneyland and enjoying a snack...
Halloween... This is the picture we posted to announce that we are expecting another little bundle of joy... We are expecting a little BOY sometime end of April... We are very excited...
Friday before Halloween we went to my cousins work Halloween party were the decorate all the areas and hand out lots of candy...
Abbigail and Allison all dressed up for Halloween... Abbigail is Snow White and Allison was a Ballerina..
Picture of the buck in our backyard... We were excited to actually see a buck..
Allison all dressed up for her school Halloween party...
Allison, Kyle and Abbigail carving pumpkins... Kyle was in charge of carving while I was in charge of scraping out all the seeds... Allison and Abbigail got to color and design the faces...
The girls pulling out the seeds...
Abbigail and Allison with our pumpkins...
Abbigail and Allison with the pumpkins again....
Me and My sister Karly at mini golf... Karly came up to visit with us in August and we had a blast doing lots of fun activities...
Kyle, Abbigail and Allison at the in door mini golf...
Allison, Abbigail and myself by the gorillas...